Approval of Minutes - December 3, 2015 A. Revisions B. Motion C. Second D. Additional Board Discussion E. Vote 4. Old Business - None
New Business A. Application: Application proposing to rezone land located at 9109 East 63rd Street from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC-P) and Low Density Residential (R-l) Case No.: PZ-2016-001 Applicant: Greg Stervinou 1. Introduction of Application 2. Open Public Hearing 3. Explain Procedure for a Public Hearing and swear-in speakers 4. Enter Relevant City Exhibits into the Record: a. Rezoning Application submitted by applicant b. Site Development Plan submitted by applicant for area proposed to be rezoned to NC-P c. Publication of Notice of Public Hearing in Daily Record Newspaper advertisement. d. Public Hearing Notices sent to property owners within 185-feet of subject property. e. City of Raytown Zoning Ordinance, as amended. f. City of Raytown Comprehensive Plan. 5. Explanation of any exparte' communication from Commission members regarding the application. 6. Introduction of Application by Staff 7. Presentation of Application by Applicant 8. Request for Public Comment 9. Additional Comment from Applicant, Additional Comment from Applicant, if necessary 10. Additional Staff Comments and Recommendation 11. Board Discussion 12. Close Public Hearing 13. Board Decision to Approve, Conditionally Approve or Deny the Application. a. Motion b. Second c. Additional Board Discussion d. Vote
Application: Final Plat for Jacob Estates 2nd Plat Case No.: PZ-2016-002 Applicant: Greg Stervinou 1. Introduction of Application 2. Explanation of any exparte' communication from Commission members regarding the application. 3. Introduction of application by staff. 4. Presentation by applicant. 5. Board Discussion. 6. Board Decision to Approve, Conditionally Approve or Deny the Application. a. Motion b. Second c. Additional Board Discussion d. Vote
7. Planning Projects Report 8. Set Future Meeting Date - February 4,2016 9. Adjourn A. Motion B. Second C. Vote
Approval of Minutes - December 3, 2015 A. Revisions B. Motion C. Second D. Additional Board Discussion E. Vote 4. Old Business - None
New Business A. Application: Application proposing to rezone land located at 9109 East 63rd Street from High Density Residential and Planned Zoning Overlay District (RP-3) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC-P) and Low Density Residential (R-l) Case No.: PZ-2016-001 Applicant: Greg Stervinou 1. Introduction of Application 2. Open Public Hearing 3. Explain Procedure for a Public Hearing and swear-in speakers 4. Enter Relevant City Exhibits into the Record: a. Rezoning Application submitted by applicant b. Site Development Plan submitted by applicant for area proposed to be rezoned to NC-P c. Publication of Notice of Public Hearing in Daily Record Newspaper advertisement. d. Public Hearing Notices sent to property owners within 185-feet of subject property. e. City of Raytown Zoning Ordinance, as amended. f. City of Raytown Comprehensive Plan. 5. Explanation of any exparte' communication from Commission members regarding the application. 6. Introduction of Application by Staff 7. Presentation of Application by Applicant 8. Request for Public Comment 9. Additional Comment from Applicant, Additional Comment from Applicant, if necessary 10. Additional Staff Comments and Recommendation 11. Board Discussion 12. Close Public Hearing 13. Board Decision to Approve, Conditionally Approve or Deny the Application. a. Motion b. Second c. Additional Board Discussion d. Vote
Application: Final Plat for Jacob Estates 2nd Plat Case No.: PZ-2016-002 Applicant: Greg Stervinou 1. Introduction of Application 2. Explanation of any exparte' communication from Commission members regarding the application. 3. Introduction of application by staff. 4. Presentation by applicant. 5. Board Discussion. 6. Board Decision to Approve, Conditionally Approve or Deny the Application. a. Motion b. Second c. Additional Board Discussion d. Vote
7. Planning Projects Report 8. Set Future Meeting Date - February 4,2016 9. Adjourn A. Motion B. Second C. Vote