4. Old Business Application: Continuation of application for conditional use permit for an animal kennel facility as part of an animal adoption operation at 10312 E. 63rd Street in Raytown, MO. Case No.: PZ-2016-003 Applicant: Monopoly Acquisitions, LLC on behalf of Raytown Animal Hospital and Midwest Animal ResQ 5. New Business - None 6. Other Business 7. Planning Projects Report 8. Set Future Meeting Date – March 3, 2016 9. Adjourn
4. Old Business Application: Continuation of application for conditional use permit for an animal kennel facility as part of an animal adoption operation at 10312 E. 63rd Street in Raytown, MO. Case No.: PZ-2016-003 Applicant: Monopoly Acquisitions, LLC on behalf of Raytown Animal Hospital and Midwest Animal ResQ 5. New Business - None 6. Other Business 7. Planning Projects Report 8. Set Future Meeting Date – March 3, 2016 9. Adjourn